Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

July 26th and 27th


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Married Women®

Mrs. Oklahoma International®

Sasha Townsend - 4th Runner-Up

People's Choice Award

Tulsa resident Sasha Townsend is the happily married wife of Bobby Townsend.

As Mrs. Oklahoma, Sasha focuses on divorce support and divorce prevention for families. As an adult child of divorce and long-time volunteer, she has seen first-hand this risk factor in action. Since 1969, over one million American children have experienced the divorce of their parents every year. In addition, the rate at which children are born out of wedlock has skyrocketed. These children experience the challenges associated with family break-up, including family conflict, self-esteem and family-identity issues, and more anxiety and depression as compared to children with married parents. Children of divorce need an advocate-spokesperson, along with real-world solutions. It is Sasha’s mission to teach others that:

(1) divorce support is an issue worthy of our attention, and

(2) there is something we can do about it.

Specifically, Sasha promotes Banana Splits, a peer support group for children of divorce, in schools and community organizations across Oklahoma. Sasha also speaks to diverse audiences about the cause and teaches marriage education classes to promote happy, healthy family relationships.

Sasha is a graduate student and instructor at the University of Tulsa, with aspirations of becoming a math professor. She holds degrees in psychology and mathematics, magna cum laude, from the University of Tulsa and Oklahoma State University. Sasha loves to dance, play board games, and sing karaoke with her family and friends. Her goals are to be the best wife, mom (someday), sister, daughter and friend she can be by loving God, loving others, and serving both.

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