Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

July 26th and 27th


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Married Women®

Mrs. Minnesota International®

Mindy Urzua - Top Twelve - Photogenic Winner

People's Choice Award

1.Tell us why anyone would want come to your hometown?
Sunrise brings joyful noise from the little voices of our children! Viviana, who is 4 & Francisco, age 1 are both are early risers with instant energy! Every day is a new day! My babies and husband are busy and so am I. It feels good to be needed!

2.What are the (2) most important things in your closet and why?
Tender. Relationships are to be handled with care. My husband is on my mind, always. We set the tone for what we get out of each moment. I make it priority to demonstrate goodness, thoughtfulness and tenderness to my companion, my husband Rafael and he does the same for me.

3.What do you love to cook and why?
Minnesota flies under the radar because most of the country underestimates what my state has to offer. Besides the profound educational opportunities and wonders in scientific discoveries, come and experience art, music and history in an impressive way! Minnesota proclaims a visual explosion of God’s work at it’s very finest.

4.If you had an extra hour each day, what would you do?
One word—SPARKLE! Someone once told me that I am the light of the world. I am certain it’s true, but I’m not the only one. We all have a light installed and it’s up to us to let it shine. Pageants nurture the sparkle and celebrate each beacon.

5.Describe the dirtiest job you have ever had to do?
Every moment in my life has been on purpose and the best is yet to come. I say, “We plan, God laughs.” He always does it better, so I just follow His lead. In five years I will be positively content with whatever He has provided for me!

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